The information you provide below enables us to set up your account. Every field needs to be completed please.
Company Information
*Create Your Company URL:
This is the URL that the students, professors, and administrators would access to take and/or administer courses. PLEASE write this complete URL down.
We recommend using an abbreviated version of your company name. For example, if your company name is "MindIQ Corporation," you could use "miq."
You may only use letters, numbers, dashes (-), and underscores ( _ ).
No spaces are allowed and names
are case-sensitive.
*Company Name:
*Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
Account Administrator
*First Name:
*Last Name:
*Retype Password:
Additional Information
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Search Engine
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Yahoo Search
Brindle Waye Website
Link from other Website
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web-based training?
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will include an extra month —
13 months for the price of 12.
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